When we talk about the most influential source of propaganda and psychological warfare, obviously we're talking about the mass media which is influencing us day to day. No longer do news programs tell us the truth, no longer do newspapers hold value in their text. Now they are news entertainment, less of both but really neither.
Who else could be considered the king of propaganda than the media giant known as
the Rhodes Corporation? Since the 1930's, they have systematically taken over every inch of the media world.
Rhodes Corp. is one of the largest diversified communications companies in the world, they own the Chicago Guardian and Los Angeles Examiner, the Denver News and Seattle Press. They own nearly 200 magazines around the world, 28 television stations through Rhodes Television Inc. which reach a combined 18% of U.S. viewers; ownership in leading cable networks and the Continental Sports Channel (CSC); as well as business publishing, Internet businesses, television production, newspaper features distribution and real estate.
The big question, however, is whatever happened to Arlington Rhodes? He's effectively disappeared off the face of the planet since 1983 and has yet to be seen since. His last public appearance was the acceptance of a public award in the city of Billings, Montana. Since then, all communication has been provided through written forms of communication but no public appearance. What has happened to Arlington Rhodes?? Is he no longer alive, and the company has faked his continued existence?