They are one of the biggest technology companies in the world –
NTI, New Technologies, Inc. They have managed to disprove Moore’s Law of microchips by quadrupling computational input in a span of two years. They are the forerunner of every known mechanical breakthrough in the past five years –from robotics to nanotechnology… and their CEO is barking mad.

Nathan Barrett, CEO of this technical mega-monolith has been the number one private contributor to the SETI program, as well as his own private space projects such as Project: Icarus and the number one manufacturer for space exploration tools for both the United States and United Kingdom. The Quantum series of British space vehicles are produced exclusively through a mutual arrangement between NTI and Keymaine Aeronautics. Nathan Barrett has gone on the record as saying he has personally witnessed FIVE UFO sightings and wants to be the first human to physically make contact with an extra-terrestrial.
This is the truth. The man who’s creations are currently in the monitor you are reading this from, the company that has created the computer chips in your car, this man not only believes in alien life forms but is spending $100 million a year (or more) in making contact with them. And there are those who suggest that Barrett believes he has already spoken to them. Although the information is heavily hidden and considered a corporate secret, it has been rumored that the NTI Board of Executives have unsuccessfully tried to oust Barrett a total of four times from the CEO slot, only to be outmanuevered and subsequently removed from the Board. What does the Board know that we do not, and what does it have to do with Arlington Rhodes??