Keymaine Aeronautics is one of the largest aeronautics corporations in the industry, second only to Boeing in the production of commercial airliners. If you've flown with any of the major airlines in the past twenty years, chances are you have flown on a Keymaine vehicle - their recent FA-800 is considered to be the top commercial airplane in the past five years. But they have a very, very peculiar background and secrets they're
definitely hiding.

It's public record that Keymaine Aeronautics had its beginnings from the driving force in its aeronautic design, Theodore Fellows Monroe. Monroe of course, is better known to the world as
Captain Blackheart, costumed adventurer of the late 1930's and 40's, responsible for breaking up several Nazi and Japanese spy rings as well as organized crime organizations. Although not as mysterious as the legendary American Spirit or the infamous Red Devil of Chicago, Fellows still chose to keep his alternate identity secret after his retirement in 1946. It wasn't until a public acknowledgement in 1996 made by Christiana Monroe, his daughter and now CEO of
Keymaine Aeronautics, that the truth was revealed. However, there are strange inconsistencies about the beginnings of
Keymaine Aeronautics - one of its largest financial backers in its original years was none other than the
Rhodes Corporation. Further, it's been recently revealed that
Keymaine enjoys an exclusive technological relationship with
NTI, allowing private advances to be brought to
Keymaine first. It's hard to understand what NTI would get out of such a relationship until the following documents are added to the picture:

That's right. Keymaine is helping NTI with its pursuit of extraterrestrial intelligence. In addition, do you know Keymaine's main health provider? HealthWork, Inc. And that's not even mentioning their connection to Dr. Anton Calavera, whom I will discuss soon.