Dr. Anton Calavera has millions of people across the country fooled. When you mention him to the common person, they maaaaay mention his charity work done with his front company, the Santa Sangre Institute, or they maaaaaay mention his “extraordinary” particle physics work done out of CalTech. But chances are they’ll mention his band, the Atomic Pistoleros and think he’s nothing more than a touring musician with a hit latin song (Te Amo). That’s EXACTLY what he’s trying to convince you.
Calavera and his “band” are a front for his religious persuasions – Santeria and black magic witchcraft. It’s well known that Dr. Calavera has suggested that travel between what he calls “interdimensional points of existence” is possible through the use of “vibrational attenuation.” There are those who suggest he had actually successfully perform a cross-distance experiment involving using sound vibrations. But Calavera has never denied his practice of Santeria, which requires the sacrifice of animals as part of his so-called “religious ceremonies.” How do we know what “dimension” Calavera really traveled through? Is it possible he opened a doorway to Hell and we’re simply unaware of the ramifications?
As part of his “cover story” of being a traveling musician, Calavera and his group of musicians (who ALL USE PSEUDONYMS BTW!!!!!!), perform various “drum circles” in order to “spiritually realign the universe. OR SO HE SAYS. Could he be performing Satanic rituals across the country in order to open more portals to Hell and plunge us all into a new age of darkness?