Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Nine Unknown Men: Criteria and Concepts

The Nine Unknown Men are not necessarily the kings of the Earth, anymore than the most powerful person in politics is in an elected office. But they are the influencers of things, the captains of industry within their chosen fields.

Nor does this mean they are working exclusively in unison with one another. It's quite likely they are a confederation of similar interests, but often working separate or even possibly against one another in the short-term benefits while still maintaining the long-terms goals set forth as being a member of the Nine.


  1. I really think that you've got some interesting ideas here- where did you get your info on these men? They're so elusive, you barely hear about them/their organizations in the news, and researching them online comes up with little more than the vanity pages or the corporations.

  2. It's usually best to follow the technology news to keep up to date on what they're doing in a day-to-day basis. NTI recently built out a robotic hands that answers to human thought, by example. Dr. Chalk of Praxis was recently sued because of a recent bone-growing medicine.

    Probably the most obvious member of the Nine Unknown Men is Dr. Anton Calavera (whom I will be mentioning soon), but most people don't know of him as that. Most people know Dr. Calavera as the lead guitarist for the Atomic Pistoleros, but they are unaware of his connection to the Santa Muerte Institute. He probably wouldn't be known at all if he had not been so instrumental in getting the Hadron Collider back online.
